
Sunday, July 31, 2011

15. Reductio ad Hitlerum

Connect to an Internet behaviour law.

Godwin's Law:As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1. The man in the first pic is Mike Godwin.


During his time, X was a well known and perhaps the richest man in the world.
He once said,
"If fans wish to know the trouble with American baseball they have it in three words
- too much Jew"

X was an admirer of famous inventer and scientist - Y.
It is said that X instructed Y's son to capture Y's last last breathe in a test tube (pic). This test tube is now displayed in a museum which is known as 'The X'.

X, Y?

X: Henry Ford
Y: Thomas Edison

Saturday, July 30, 2011

13. The better the economy, the shorter the skirt

What is this economic graph/index called?

Hemline Index

Friday, July 29, 2011

12. No freestyle allowed

X is a sport started in 1976 in Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales, United Kingdom, as a result of an over the bar conversation between Gordon Green and a few regulars. It consists of competitors completing two consecutive lengths of 60 yards(55 meters) water filled trench cut through a peat bog, in the shortest time possible. Participants must wear snorkels and flippers, and complete the length without using any conventional swimming strokes, relying on flipper power only. World X Championship, first held in 1985, take place at a dense peat bog in Wales, UK, and attracts more than 200 entrants every year. The current world record is 1 minute 30.66 seconds.


X- Bog Snorkelling

Thursday, July 28, 2011

11. Into the Unknown

A was an American hitchhiker who adopted the name B, and hiked into the Alaskan wilderness with little food and equipment, hoping to live a period of solitude. Almost four months later, A's remains were found, having died of starvation.

A's story was published by author C, in the book D. C also was a part of the group whose 8 members died in the 1996 Everest disaster, and wrote a book E, describing his experiences, and blaming the tragedy on the competition between the commercial climbing agencies.

The book D was made into a feature film by F in 2007, and which earned two Academy Award nominations.

Give A,B,C,D,E and F.

A-Christopher McCandless
B-Alexander Supertramp
C-Jon Krakauer
D-Into The Wild
E-Into Thin Air
f-Sean Penn

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10. 2+2=tap tap tap tap

X was a horse in Germany, who was known to have been able to perform arithmetic and certain intellectual tasks. On being asked simple arithmetic questions, for example, the horse would be instructed to tap his foot to indicate the answer. The horse quickly became famous, and drew people in large numbers. This led the German government to appoint a commission, which, however, reported that no tricks were involved. Finally, in 1907, psychologist Y, after conducting many studies, determined that the horse did not actually perform the arithmetic itself, but would take cues from the expectations of the audience, even though the trainer was unaware that he was providing the cues. This anomalous research result is now called the X effect in honour of Y's study, and is an important theory in observer-expectancy effect and animal cognition.

ID X. (Brownie points for Y)

X-Clever Hans
Y- Oscar Pfungst

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

9. What's on TV tonight?

ID the person and the campaign.

The person is Conan O'Brien, and this is the main poster for the campaign to bring back Conan on the Tonight Show.

Monday, July 25, 2011

8. My time

Although the original meaning of the phrase X coined by Y was something like this:

"The systematic invalidation of the hierarchies of representational functions and techniques" of art means that "hierarchy of subjects worthy to be represented will someday be abolished," hence anybody, and therefore "everybody," can be ______ once that hierarchy dissipates,"in the future, everybody will be _____," and not merely those individuals worthy of _______.

The current and more popular perception refers to the ephemerality of _____ brought out in the information age, and more recently the democratization of media outlets brought out by the internet. In this formulation the meaning of X is

"In the future there will be so many channels of achieving ____, virtually anyone can become ______ for a brief period of time."

X: 15 minutes of Fame
Y:Andy Warhol

Give X and Y. (The blanks are there to prevent the question from being obvious)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

7. ....And a Car Chase

Simply Connect

OJ Simpson Murder Trial

Saturday, July 23, 2011

6. Whoa!

What is this signal known as (which is the same as what is written on the left hand side of the computer printout? Extra points for explaining its significance.

The Wow signal, a crucial link for SETI.

Friday, July 22, 2011

5. Garfield's Mail

What was the name of the e-mail service used by, before it was shifted to (and since discontinued). Also give the reason for changing the name.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

4. Google's miserable failure

What is the term used to describe search result pages that return unrelated or offensive results? Some prominent examples are shown:

Google Bomb

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

3. Don't Be Evil

In this rarely seen photo, we see X standing in the side lines a few seconds before the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Some claim that Lee Harvey Oswald and X were friends in Korea.

Recently the investigating party found out that the picture in which Lee Harvey was shot had been tampered with. After intensive restoration it showed that X, allegedly Oswald's friend, witnessed the shooting. It raises a bunch of new questions, was Oswald supposed to die before he could point X as his accomplice?

This picture show's X's involvement in the 9/11 disaster. He's supposed to be one of the hijackers. Officials still haven't figured out how X survived the crash. "The guy must be either immortal or damn clever" says an NY police officer. There were no sightings of parachutes during the disaster.

Other photographs attesting to X's evil nature show him handing Eve the forbidden apple, boxing with Idi Amin, flying alongside Adolf Hitler, and controlling Keanu Reaves in the Devil's Advocate.

Who is this arch-criminal?

Bert of Sesame Street

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2. Ghost of an Allegory

ID the paintings, and connect to a specific Dutch painter of the 17th century.

Vermeer. The first painting is The Allegory of Painting by Vermeer, and the second is The Ghost of Vermeer, by Dali, showing Vermeer's pose as a flattened table

Monday, July 18, 2011

1. Raging Fire

X is an American Rock Band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 1991. The band is known for its "fiercely polemical music, which brewed sloganeering leftist rants against Corporate America, cultural imperialism, social inequality and government oppression into a Molotov Cocktail of punk, hip-hop and thrash"

Thích Quảng Đức was a Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963, protesting against the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government. Y won a Pulitzer Prize for this photograph of the monk's death.

ID X,Y and Connect X to the picture.
X: Rage Against the Machine
Y:Malcolm Browne
Connect is that the photograph was on the cover of Rage Against the Machine's title track