
Thursday, May 17, 2012

X is an autobiographical novel by Y, written in 1929, when Y was 34. "It was my bitter leave-taking of England, where I had recently broken a good-many conventions", he wrote in the prologue to the revised second edition. The title points to the passing of the old order following the cataclysm of the First World War. The rise of atheism, socialism, feminism and pacifism, besides the emergence of new forms of literary expression, as they had to bear on Y's life, are explored in the work. A large part of the book is taken up by his experience of the First World War, and provides a detailed description of trench warfare.

Y later went on to contribute significantly in the study and interpretation of Greek Mythology, and his historical novel, written in the form of the autobiography of a Roman king, later went on to become a bestseller.

Give both X and Y.

X: Goodbye to all that
Y: Robert Graves

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