
Saturday, September 29, 2012


This is a 1968 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The novel is set in a post-apolyptic Earth, suffering from radiation fallout from World War Terminus. The main plot features a bounty hunter with the task of tracking down renegade Xs who have assumed human identity. As the radiation poisoning has wiped out the majority of animals, owning an animal is now considered a status symbol, and people, including the protagonist, unable to afford real animals keep up pretenses by owning electric animals. The novel explores what it is to be a human, as the bounty hunter protagonist explores the existence of defining qualities that separate humans from Xs.

The word X, part of the title of the novel, translates into Greek as "having the likeness of a man", and was shortened and used extensively by George Lucas in Star Wars.

The novel was adapted to the 1982 film Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer and Scott Young.

Ans: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

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