The word X is derived from the Greek myth in which Y as a punishment for serving up his own son Z to the Gods as a sacrifice. Y was to stand in a pool of fresh water beneath a tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down, the water receded before he could drink it. Over his head is a threatening stone like the one Sisyphus is punished to roll up a hill.

Z was an ancestor of the House of A, which was the family involved in the Trojan War.
Give X, Y, Z and A.
X:TantalizeY:TantalusZ: PhaetonA:House of Atreus----Agamemnon and Menelaus were called the Atreidae
1 comment:
X - Tantalising
Y - Tantalus
Z - err.. um..
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