
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1.       X holds the record for the highest number of individual Oscars awarded. In his lifetime he received 20 Oscars, but he was posthumously awarded a further 6, making a total of 26. Of all the statuettes awarded him, the most famous "set" were an Oscar and seven miniature statuettes in 1938 for the film Y. X is one of the biggest legends in his field, and quite frankly, I knew about him long before I even heard of Marlon Brando, Hitchcock or even Spielberg. His legacy stands the largest media conglomerate today. Y is a classic and one of the most parodied children stories along with Hansel and Gratel. X and Y please?

1 comment:

Milan Gupta said...

Walt Disney
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs